
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

July 5, 2024





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Diversity of opinion has always been a keystone American trait — at least until recent years. Sharing ideas and debating viewpoints is a great strength of all free republics. But knowledge and truth are obligate products of a free and unhindered exchange of ideas. When censorship and propaganda rule the day in the media, truth and factual knowledge, haven’t a chance of prospering. That means we all lose. Aren’t we tired of losing?

Living in a propaganda world is no different than what we see among children who reside in the electronic world of virtual reality. The brain goes mush and has no moral point of reference, no grounding in the way things are in the real world. Establishment media outlets like ABC, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and now even Fox News, are giving you very little, if any, straight news. Instead, you are receiving only the lies Big Brother of the Obama-Biden cartel wants you to hear. All truth is camouflaged in Communist bias. When they label something “misinformation,” you can feel confident it’s probably the absolute truth.

Media awareness is changing, however. According to a Fortune Magazine survey of media perceptions among the general population, many people aren’t falling for the grossly distorted political bias anymore. The nonsense meter has been pegged for so long that a full 50% of respondents actually believe that national news organizations intentionally mislead their audience, and only 23% felt journalists acted in the public’s best interest. This is encouraging.

But while a lack of trust in what Rush Limbaugh called the “drive-by media” is understandable, what is harder to grasp is why so many people still are slow at getting to the truth and accepting it. A glut of news and propaganda sources now exist, and weeding out the bad can be difficult. That’s where independent news sources like AmericaOutLoud.News has its greatest value. More people are recognizing that “conservative” news outlets — defined by giving you the facts and exploring both sides of the issues are becoming the world’s primary news source.

Most people can deduce their own logical conclusions if given all the raw data. People aren’t stupid (despite what Hillary Clinton thinks)! But untainted information must be made available, and that seldom happens. For example, what’s happening with the Durra oil field in the Arabian Gulf that Iran’s Ayatollah is claiming rights to? So much for the Saudi-Iran peace talks. Whatever happened to the Wagner mercenary group’s fearless leader Yevgeny Prigozhin? Is he still alive? What has happened to the $75 billion of American taxpayer dollars that the Biden mafia stole from us? You’ll never hear the truth from mainstream legacy propaganda outlets. They are simply incapable of an honest take.

Why, then, do people still tune into these media sources? American streets have been soiled with our own blood, sweat, and tears at the hands of lying aristocrats. If you’re tired of being manipulated, intimidated, deceived, threatened, and brainwashed, then turn off the bogus national fake news media channels. End your subscriptions. Stop patronizing the enemy. And listen to real news sources that inform, debate and discuss issues as civilized, caring human beings. This is a time to unite and end all compromise with the enemy. It is time to fight the enemy. It’s time to end Biden’s puppet show once and for all! It’s time to make America God’s land again. And it all begins with you.

Pride may go before a fall, but ignorance goes before the slaughterhouse. If you’re inclined to follow what you believe, then you had best believe what you know to be the truth. And that comes only from God. Common sense says we all should dump legacy media. Let them waste away in their filthy slime of lies. Don’t let them influence you any longer. Our goal is for the next media survey to show a 100% disavowing of propaganda sources. Only the truth will make us free. Seek it with all your heart!

The Voice of a Nation [malcolm at eight] can be heard on weeknights at 8 pm ET, with an encore at 8 am ET the following business morning. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free AppleAndroid, or Alexa apps.


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10 months ago

spot on!

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